​Squeasy Makes Tube Feeding Easy

​Squeasy Makes Tube Feeding Easy

Oct 10th 2016

squeasy-snacker-product-no-spill.jpgWhen we designed Squeasy, we had a goal in mind, easy feeding on the go. We wanted to make the best silicon food pouch on the market. And while we believe we have done that, along with the way, sometime an unexpected and very positive alternate uses make themselves prevalent.

A while back we started received messages from parents with children that have to be tube fed. These children are part of a community called "tubies". After talking to several parents, we discovered that Squeasy is helping make their lives a little easier.


One of the issues many of them were encountering was air in the feeding tube, generated by the syringe they have to use to get the food into the tube. What they discovered is that Squeasy's patented one-way valve eliminates air from the tube.

Now these parents can put food into a Squeasy and use it instead of a syringe for easy feedingwithout the issues that arise with air in the feeding tube.

"My daughter is tube fed and the great things about this thing is the tip fits perfectly into the end of her feeding tube OR the feeding syringe fits perfectly into the tip of the pouch so you have two options for feeding on the go! You can also freeze it AND throw it all in the dishwasher! Seriously, a game changer in our house. Thanks Squeasy Gear, for making our lives a little easier! -Brandy W (via Amazon.com)

Also Real Food Blends tested out the Squeasy with their products, and this is what they had to say (Quote and image credited to Real Food Blends):


"Our customers are so smart!! One of them emailed us about these Squeasy Gear. Easy feeding on the go. bottles that fit right into the extension sets & don't let air in. We had to test out and YEP - they're fantastic!! The 16 oz bottle fits two Real Food Blends meals and no syringe / bag needed! Great for on-the-go if you mix our meals with some extra fluid or formula, or just to avoid having to use so many syringes." -Real Food Blends via Facebook

Whatever the reason for your tube feeding, we are here to support your journey. We have heard from so many happy families who have been relieved to find how helpful Squeasy has been in their home - and on the go!